General information

Who can rent an apartment?

Our student apartments are aimed at students from both Germany and abroad.

What apartments are there at W|27?

There are 212 apartments from around 20 sqm to 48 sqm, both with and without a balcony. Three of these are accessible apartments, and seven are partner apartments. All apartments are on the ground level or accessible via an elevator. The apartments are configured based on their size and their location within the building. All apartments are fully furnished with a separate shower room.

Can I move in and out at any time?

The rental period can begin on the first day of any month. The rental period can end at the end of any quarter (03/31, 06/30, 09/30, 12/31); see also 'rental period and cancellation'.

What documents do I need for my application?

  • A current enrollment certificate (a registration certificate is sufficient for new students)
  • ID/passport
  • For non-EU citizens: Residence permit
  • For under-18s: Declaration of consent from the guardian

Do I need to prove my student status during the rental period?

Yes. Before the currently valid certificate of enrollment expires, the certificate of enrollment for the following semester must be presented proactively.

What services does W|27 offer?

Our residence has a state-of-the-art gym and a laundromat with washing machines and tumble dryers. There is also a shared kitchen, a large roof terrace, and a lounge area for meeting and socializing with your fellow tenants. We also offer parking spaces with a charging flat rate.

Can I view the apartment I want to rent in advance?

We do not offer on-site viewings. You can have a look at a sample apartment using the digital 360° tour (see 'Student apartments' menu item).

Are there car parking spaces?

There are 74 underground parking spaces and 11 outdoor parking spaces. The parking spaces can only be rented out by W|27 tenants. The fixed rent for an underground parking space is EUR 70 per month, or EUR 40 for an outdoor parking space. Parking spaces with a charging flat rate are available for rental tenants with electric vehicles.

The apartment I want to rent has already been allocated. Can I be put on a waiting list?

There isn't a waiting list. Free apartments are usually shown as 'available' 5 months before a potential new tenant can move in. Because our tenants always move out at the end of a quarter, most apartments are available at the start of a quarter.

Can I move into a partner apartment on my own?

No, our partner apartments are only intended for couples and are not rented to single people. A tenant's personal details will be requested when an apartment is rented.

Is the partner apartment suitable for flat sharing?

No, the double bed is only 1.20 m wide. Due to the floorplan, the apartment is not suitable for the addition of an extra bed.

I need a lessor certificate. How do I get one?

As soon as we have confirmed receipt of your deposit, you will be able to access the tenant portal using your login details (you can access the portal via the app or at You can find the lessor certificate under 'My apartment' - 'Documents'.

Are pets allowed?

Out of consideration for your fellow tenants, pets are not permitted.

Are parties allowed in the dorm?

In order to ensure that all residents have a suitable environment for learning and studying, our house rules provide for a quiet period from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Of course, our common areas are used for meetings, but here, too, the observance of the quiet time applies. Since the student dormitory is located in a residential area, consideration must be given to the surrounding neighborhood. We reserve the right to limit the opening hours of the communal kitchen and the roof terrace if necessary.


How much is the rent?

Depending on the size, facilities, and location of the apartment, the fixed rent for a single apartment is between EUR 475.50 and EUR 520.50 per month. The fixed rent for a partner apartment is EUR 755.50 per month.

What does the fixed rent include?

Your fixed rent covers all the facilities in your fully furnished apartment, including the kitchenette, as well as the use of the shared areas. It includes all auxiliary costs such as waste collection charges, electricity and water costs, and WiFi Internet.

Are there any additional costs?

The laundromat is operated by our partner WeWash. There are separate fees for using the washing machines and tumble dryers. Car parking spaces are rented separately, and a separate monthly rental payment will be due for this service.

Do I need to pay the radio license fee (also called the “GEZ”) myself, or is this included in the fixed rent?

The radio license fee (“GEZ”) is not included in the fixed rent. Each tenant must comply with the obligation to notify the relevant authorities.

How and when do I pay the rent?

Please always transfer your rent on the 3rd day of the current month at the latest. The best way of doing this is to simply set up a monthly standing order. Please specify your name and the rental agreement number when asked for the purpose. The rental payment must be made in EUR.


How much is the deposit?

The deposit is EUR 800.00 (or EUR 1200 for partner apartments). We must receive your deposit no later than 3 working days before the start of the rental. As soon as we have received your deposit, you will receive a confirmation e-mail via the applicant portal. If you rent an apartment shortly before the start of the rental period, the deposit can in exceptional cases be transferred on-site at the Bildungscampus. We cannot grant you access to the apartment without confirmation of deposit receipt.

Is there an alternative to a cash deposit?

We offer an affordable alternative in the form of surety insurance (“”). In this case, you will just need to pay the insurance company a small annual fee. The guarantee document is usually sent to us directly by the insurance company.

When do I choose the deposit method?

As soon as we have countersigned the rental agreement, it is available for you to download from the applicant portal. The next step is for you to choose the deposit method. If you have selected a deposit method and now wish to change your mind, please contact us using the contact form. Our IT support team will reset your selection.

What do I need to consider when transferring the deposit?

Please transfer the deposit to the bank account specified in the rental agreement. Please specify your name and the rental agreement number when asked for the purpose. The deposit must be transferred in EUROs.

How long will I need to wait to get my deposit back after I’ve moved out?

If all outstanding payments have been made, the deposit will usually be returned 6-8 weeks after you move out. When you move in, we will ask you for your bank details (master data sheet). The deposit will then be paid back into the bank account specified on the master data sheet.

What do I have to consider when moving out if I have taken out deposit insurance?

If there are no outstanding claims, we will return the deposit insurance certificate to the insurer no later than 4 weeks after moving out. Please inform the insurer of the new address before moving out.

I’m moving out soon but have already signed a new rental agreement at W27. Can I transfer the rent to the new tenancy?

Yes, if you have transferred the deposit to us we can gladly transfer this to your new tenancy. Please inform us of this by the day you move out at the latest. If you have taken out surety insurance for a previous tenancy, you will need to end this and take out a new policy for your new tenancy.

Rental term and termination

Is there a minimum or maximum rental term?

The minimum rental term is 3 months. You can live at W|27 for a total of 3.5 years. This also applies if you have signed multiple rental agreements. All rental agreements have a fixed term.

My rental agreement is ending but I would like to keep on living at W|27 for longer. Is this possible?

As long as the maximum rental term of 3.5 years hasn’t been exceeded, you can sign a new rental agreement. You can see the available apartments on our website. Contact us via the tenant portal and we will create the follow-on rental agreement for you.

I’m on a dual-study program and will only be in Heilbronn for three months. What are my options?

We recommend concluding a rental contract for the entire duration of your studies and temporarily subletting your apartment. This has the advantage that you can coordinate the move-in and move-out dates individually with your subtenant. Alternatively, you can rent the apartment for 3 months at a time. However, it should be noted that we cannot guarantee the availability of the apartments. In addition, our move-in and move-out dates do not coincide with the practical and theoretical phases of the DHBW.

Can I terminate my rental agreement?

The rental agreement that you sign has a fixed term and this term is binding. Your rental agreement can only be terminated by the tenant with effect of the month with a notice period of 2 weeks to the end of the month for the following exceptional reasons:

- change of subject and/or university to another location

- study-related stay abroad or internships at another country

Please note that proof must be provided if a rental agreement is terminated for an exceptional reason.

When can the landlord terminate the tenancy?

The landlord may terminate the tenant extraordinarily in the following cases:

- despite a prior request from the landlord, the tenant does not comply with the obligation to provide current proof of student status during term of the tenancy

- the landlord was informed that the tenant is no longer a student (exmatriculation/end of studies) and the has asked the tenant to submit the certificate of enrollment to no avail.

Moving in and access card

When can I move in?

Your access to W|27 and your apartment is generally enabled when your tenancy begins on the first of the month. However, please note that our W|27 team is only available for support on Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Only an on-call service is available outside of these times. We therefore recommend that you move in during the service hours mentioned above.

How do I gain access to my apartment?

W27 is accessed via the CampusCard, which you will receive from your educational institution. If you already have a CampusCard when you apply for an apartment, please enter your card ID when you register. You can also let us know your card ID at a later date, either via the tenant portal or using the contact form on the website.

I still don’t have a CampusCard on my moving-in day. How do I access W|27?

We ask our new tenants for their CampusCard IDs before they move in. If you don’t yet have a CampusCard, we will provide you with a temporary access card. You can collect this from reception at Bildungscampus 9 approximately a week before the start of your tenancy. We can provide more detailed information about this before you move in.

Can the access card be sent to me by post?

No, the access card cannot be sent by post. You have the option of granting somebody else the authority to collect the card for you.

What documents do I need to show when I move in?

You must have the following documents when you move in:

  • - Current enrollment certificate
  • - Copy of the rental agreement with original signature
  • - Visa/residence permit

Can I be denied access to W|27?

If your deposit has not been confirmed by moving-in day, we cannot provide you with an access card or enable your CampusCard.

Where can I park on moving-in day?

All of the parking spaces at W|27 are allocated for rent. If you haven’t rented a parking space, you can use the customer parking at the adjacent Lidl supermarket. However, please note that parking is limited to a maximum of one hour.

Can I move in earlier?

No, your tenancy begins on the first of the month. It is only possible to move in on the 30th/31st of a month in exceptional cases (e.g. an existing tenant changing apartments).

How is the apartment handover documented on moving-in day?

When you move in, you will find a handover document as well as an information folder containing a lot of useful information. Please check the facilities and technical appliances in your apartment for damage. Document any damage on the handover document. Please put the handover document in the W|27 mailbox in the entrance within three days after moving in. Alternatively, you can send it to us via the tenant portal. Please note: If defects are not reported when you move in, you may be held responsible as the perpetrator when you move out. The apartment handover document is therefore also for your security.

I’ve locked myself out or lost my access card. How can I gain access to my apartment?

Come and find us at reception at Bildungscampus 9. The reception desk is staffed 24 hours a day. You can get a replacement card here. You can authorize this card for your apartment on the tenant portal, which will allow you to access W|27 and your apartment. You will be charged a fee of EUR 20 for the issuing of a replacement card. The replacement card must be returned within 14 days!


Can I sublet my apartment?

Yes, you can sublet your apartment. The only condition is that your sub-tenant must also be enrolled at a higher education institution. Please note that you will remain the main tenant and will be liable for any damage.

What information does the lessor require?

Contact us via the tenant portal before concluding the sublease agreement. We will send you a form.

We require the following information and documents from your sub-tenant:

  • ID
  • E-mail address
  • Enrollment certificate (this must be submitted for the sublease period per semester)
  • If available: CampusCard ID
  • Period of the sublet

After the documents have been checked, you will receive feedback as to whether you are allowed to conclude a sublease.

Your sub-tenant will be shown on the bell system display for the specified period, and will have a name plate on the mailbox. Your name will also remain visible.

How does the sub-tenant gain access to the apartment?

If you have informed us of the sub-tenant’s CampusCard ID in advance, their CampusCard will be released for access to W|27. If the sub-tenant does not have a CampusCard, we will create an additional access card, which can be collected from reception at Bildungscampus 9. A fee of EUR 20 will be charged for the creation of the additional access card.

Will my sub-tenant get their own account on the tenant portal?

Yes. When they first log in, the sub-tenant will need to log into our website with their registered e-mail address and then go to “Forgotten password”. They will then receive a link with the option to create a password.

Will the sub-tenant receive a landlord certificate ("Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung")?

No. The landlord certificate is generated in the tenant portal exclusively for the tenant. If your sub-tenant requires a corresponding document, please contact us via the tenant portal.

Can the subtenant also activate the ID of the replacement card in the app if the card is lost?

Yes. The subtenant can use all functions of the app. Note: if there are several rental phases, the current rental relationship must be selected in the settings of the app.

Can the subtenant take on appointments with craftsmen or hand over the apartment when moving out?

Yes. The subtenant is allowed to attend tradesmen's appointments. If he is to take over the handover of the apartment at the end of the rental agreement, we need a power of attorney. The main tenant must send this in advance by email to

Moving out

When do I move out?

You will receive a proposed date from us around 14 days before moving out. Please confirm this without delay. Apartment handovers generally take place between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m on the last working day of the month. Handovers do not take place on weekends or public holidays.

Who carries out the apartment handover?

The apartment handover is usually performed by an employee from the admin department or a technician, together with the tenant.

I am not able to be at the apartment in person on moving-out day. Can somebody else take my place?

If you are not able to be there in person on moving-out day, you can authorize somebody else to take your place at the handover. Please inform us of this in advance and send us the corresponding authorization.

Can I go back into the apartment following the apartment handover?

No, you will no longer be able to access the apartment after the handover. You will return your access card (+ parking card/partner card) during the handover. If you have been accessing W27 using your CampusCard, you will keep this card.

What condition do I need to leave the apartment in?

The apartment must be completely cleared by moving-out day!

Clean your apartment thoroughly! Pay particular attention to the cleaning of:

  • - The oven
  • - The fridge (including freezer compartment)
  • - The bathroom facilities
  • - The shower cubicle (no lime!)
  • - The bed frame

I’ve noticed some damage in my apartment before moving-out day. What should I do?

If damage or technical malfunctions occur before you move out, please inform us immediately via the tenant portal.

I want to send my moving boxes by post, can I do this?

Moving boxes to be sent by post cannot be temporarily stored in the corridors or common areas before being collected. Make sure that they are collected by the shipping company before you move out or ask one of your fellow tenants to temporarily store them for you.

Can I leave any unwanted furniture in the apartment?

Unwanted furniture (clothes drying racks, crockery, shelves.. cannot be left in the garbage room. They must be disposed of at a recycling center before you move out. You can of course offer the items to your fellow tenants in advance.


What facilities does the apartment have?

Each apartment is fitted with the following facilities and furniture:

  • - Bed including slatted frame and mattress with protective cover (1.20 m), storage compartment
  • - Dining area with table and two chairs (or four chairs in a partner apartment)
  • - Desk with office swivel chair and storage compartments
  • - Kitchenette with oven, hob, extractor fan and fridge (including freezer compartment), garbage separator
  • - Various storage compartments
  • - Curtain track with hooks
  • - Shower room with waste bin and shower
  • - Partner apartments also have a sofa, a coffee table and a separate wardrobe

What do I need to bring with me when I move in?

You will need to provide your own crockery, cutlery and other cooking utensils. Duvet, pillows and bedding are not provided. The balconies are not furnished. Cleaning utensils are also not provided.

Is there an AC system?

No, but all apartments have separate ventilation.

Is there a television connection?

No, there is no cable connection or connection to a satellite dish or antenna, but the unlimited WiFi means you can use digital television services.

What Internet connection does the apartment have?

You can use your login details to log in to the W|27 WiFi and register your device. The WiFi speed is 2 Gbits. If you also need a LAN connection, you can contact us via the tenant portal once you have moved in.